Montréal : Un homme Juif agressé et insulté par un chauffeur de taxi
Selon Bnai Brith Canada, l'agression est "un crime de haine antisémite choquant dans lequel quelqu'un aurait pu être grièvement blessé et même tué"
Un homme Juif qui portait la kippa a été agressé cette semaine par un chauffeur de taxi à Montréal.
Le chauffeur de taxi bloquait la porte menant à un garage souterrain d’une résidence d’appartements dans le quartier Saint-Laurent, à Montréal. Lorsque le conducteur du véhicule a klaxonné pour signaler que le taxi devait lui laisser l’accès au parking, le chauffeur de taxi a apparemment remarqué la kippa de l’homme et crié : « Je ne bougerai pas pour un p…n de Juif ». Il a également proféré des menaces de mort.
La victime a alors tenté de photographier le numéro du taxi pour porter plainte. Le chauffeur est sorti de sa voiture et a donné des coups de poing à sa victime, hurlant des insultes à caractère antisémite jusqu’à l’intervention du gardien du parking, a fait savoir le Bnai Brith dans un communiqué. Le téléphone de l’homme juif a également été cassé. La victime a été prise en charge dans un hôpital local.
OUTRAGEOUSThis past Sunday, a Jewish man was physically assaulted in Montréal.The incident occurred at the 4 towers condos in Ville St Laurent.Security footage shows a taxi (#1258 of Taxi Champlain) drop someone off near the entrance to the condo’s garage. He then waits, blocking the garage entrance.Aaron* (name changed per request) was visiting his elderly parents who own a condo in the building.He parked his white car in a spot that wouldn’t block anyone and waited for an outdoor spot to become available. As he waited, he watched as a car driven by a Jewish man wearing a Kippah pulled up behind the taxi and honked.According to Aaron, the driver of the taxi shouted, “I won’t move for any f***ing Jews!” He then told Aaron to move his car.Aaron, who was in his car facing the taxi, asked the driver to please move for the vehicle behind him, and told him that he could get the message across without using insults.According to Aaron, the driver immediately started shouting in English and Arabic (two languages Aaron speaks). “I’ll never move for you f***ing dirty Jews! I’m going to f***ing kill you!”At that point a parking spot opened and a female supervisor from the condos motioned that Aaron should park.He pulled into a spot and decided to snap a photo of the taxi’s number so he could report the antisemitic tirade to Champlain Taxi.As soon as he snapped a picture the driver stormed out his taxi and began physically assaulting Aaron. He reportedly shoved Aaron against a car, put him in a headlock, and punched him in his chest and face at least ten times before the parking supervisor intervened.Aaron is a short man and the driver was tall and well built. The driver allegedly kept shouting antisemitic slurs and threatening to murder Aaron as he beat him. He also smashed Aaron’s phone on the ground, breaking it.The woman who intervened was also reportedly struck by the taxi driver who only left after another taxi driver told him to stop.After the attack, Aaron went to his parents, bleeding and in terrible pain. He later visited the hospital due to massive pains in his chest area.A police report has been filed and a complaint has been lodged with Taxi Champlain. B'nai Brith Canada has also been notified.
Posted by on Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Une femme qui était intervenue aurait également été frappée par le chauffeur de taxi.
« C’est un crime de haine antisémite choquant, dans lequel quelqu’un aurait pu être grièvement blessé ou même tué », a estimé Michael Mostyn, président de l’organisation Bnai Brith Canada.