Eating your way to love
5 holiday foods to guarantee dating success
When Jewcier asked me to offer a positive spin on dating to bring in the Jewish New Year, I found myself tongue tied, or type tied, especially considering that my recent dating track-record is similar to a fisherman whose bait keeps reeling in many more tin cans and old boots than fish.
I first tried turning to Google for some help with practical dating advice regarding “New Year’s dating resolutions” and if I had stopped there, my post would have sounded like I was spouting out dating clichés such as:
“Make sure to smile more”
“Put an end to unhealthy relationships
“First, work on the relationship you have with yourself
This cookie cutter advice is nice to hear and easy to give but it just doesn’t cut it when you are out there in the real world, looking for that special someone. I should know because I always smile and I already have a fabulous relationship with myself.
So how do we assure ourselves a comfortable ride as we accelerate towards a successful dating track record for the upcoming Jewish New Year? (Without leaving behind too much dating road kill)
It is with this question in mind, that I decided to share some of my own personal experiences and hope that this helps you along on your dating journey. It’s sort of a “what to do or not to do” manual that you can refer to over the course of the New Year.
My advice would be best described using Judaism’s rich symbolism relating to the New Year. Yes, I’m talking about food! Jews love to eat and what we eat over Rosh Hashanah has meaning that can be applied to our dating lives. So, I’ve taken the liberty of creating a traditional Rosh Hashanah Seder so that it’s suited to Jewish singles.
This New Year, eat your way to finding love with the five following ominous foods:
- Beets: time to “beat” the dust out of your old dancing shoes and party gear,and go out there and have a good time.
- Dip the apple in the honey…but no double dipping. This is symbolic of not double dipping into your past dating pool of exes. If you broke up with someone in the past, it probably was for a good reason. Don’t even think of going there again! Dipping once is sweet, dipping twice is not.
- Leeks: in Hebrew the word for leek “Kra” sounds like the word for cutting off/destroying. By eating the leeks we are ensuring that we are done with bad dating habits and are willing to cut off those relationships that take too much of our emotional energy and time.
- Pomegranates: 613 seeds in a pomegranate, 613 commandments in the Bible but if 613 refers to the number of people you have dated in the past and nothing worked, then it might be time to consider that the dating approach you are using is not working.
- Sweet dates: If you want your dates to be sweet, then make sure to eat, that’s right, sweet dates. Like I said, the Jewish way dictates that when in doubt, turn to food.
Have a happy, healthy and sweet new year and remember, if something is eating at you, bite right back!
Get a start on Jewish dating in the New Year and join, the online dating website for Jews that puts the fun back into dating! Launched in 2011, Jewcier is a newcomer in the Jewish online dating space, but is already the second largest Jewish dating site. Jewish singles can also connect with Jewcier through Facebook and Twitter.